calendar>>April 22. 2012 Juch 101 |
Koreans in CIS Urge Lee Myung Bak Group to Apologize to Nation
Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- United confederations of Koreans overseas Friday made public a joint statement in support of the statement of the spokesman for the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army and the statement of the government, political parties and organizations of the DPRK. They included the united confederations of Koreans in Russia, Maritime Territory, Sakhalin Region, Kamchatka Territory and Khabarovsk Territory of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The joint statement strongly denounced the rat-like Lee Myung Bak group for its traitorous and unethical acts in the name of all Koreans in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). It said: The Lee group decried in terms of finance the celebrations of the 100th Day of the Sun which demonstrated the spirit of the nation before the whole world as a grand festival of the century to be recorded in human history. This is a mockery of all Koreans as well as a ridiculous behavior of ignorant moneymakers whose mental faculties are worse than animals. This is, at the same time, hysteric fit of confrontation maniacs stunned by the might of single-minded unity and invincible military power of the DPRK. The DPRK, the motherland, is an invincible power and pride of the nation in which the leader and people form a harmonious whole with noblest intention and feelings and they regard the dignity of the supreme leadership and authority of the leader dearer than their own lives. The Lee group of traitors should behave itself, kneeling themselves before all the service personnel and people of the DPRK and all other Koreans overseas. No Korean on earth will pay heed to rhetoric let loose by rat-like Lee group, a tiny handful of traitors who bring the dark clouds of war to hang over the Korean Peninsula and are keen on wrongdoings only. All Koreans in the CIS will never pardon the hideous crimes perpetrated by the Lee group which can hardly be considered as part of the nation. They will always be by service personnel and people in the homeland in their sacred war for wiping out the enemy, the war to devotedly protect the leader of the nation. |
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