calendar>>May 3. 2012 Juch 101 |
Space Conquest Is Inviolable Sovereign Right
Pyongyang, May 3 (KCNA) -- Mankind in the 21st century entered the great era of outer space. Over a hundred nations have acceded to the Outer Space Treaty and buckled down to conquering space. Space development has become an indispensable element for state development because space conquest is a symbol of a country's prosperity and sovereignty. A satellite is a complex of science and technology and, especially its launch technology is part of ultra modern science and technology including the technology of separating satellite from a carrier rocket. Since the former Soviet Union successfully launched its satellite on October 4, 1957 for the first time, various countries have set about developing space. The number of satellites and space vehicles put by various countries into orbit by the end of 1989 reached 3 960. The world considers the level of space development as a yardstick for an advanced state. Space industry is regarded as a major one in the 21st century along with IT and nuclear industry. The DPRK has steadily advanced along the road of space development for peaceful purposes in line with the global trend of space development. The DPRK's launch of satellites by carrier means manufactured by itself and with its indigenous technology a hundred percent is a noticeable success in the world history of space development. Whether a country more frequently conquers space in this age of ultra modern science and technology or not is a matter on which its fate hinges -- whether it stands on its own foot in politics, economy and military affair or relies on others. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that the U.S. seeks to dominate the world through its Global Positioning System (GPS) and different countries and regions are making efforts to develop their own system to counter it. It is an inviolable independent right for a sovereign state to develop the outer space for peaceful purposes. Since the period of Cold War the U.S. has unilaterally put an embargo on the export of satellites and their related equipment in this field and has played the role of a disturber. It was the aims sought by the U.S. and its allies to bar other countries including anti-imperialist independent countries from putting satellites into space and monopolize it. The U.S. feigned ignorance of those countries meekly obedient to it launching satellites or inter-continental ballistic missiles, while disallowing those countries incurring its displeasure to launch even satellites for peaceful purposes and malignantly slandering them. This is the wicked intentions of the U.S. and its allies. Their application of such double standards has reached an extreme phase over the satellite launch of the DPRK. The history of the world space development does not know such precedent in which satellite launch for peaceful purposes has been interpreted as a missile launch. Only the DPRK has become the target of the U.S. and its allies' pressure and smear campaign in which its satellite launch is labeled long-range missile launch. The U.S. and Japan took the lead in pulling up the DPRK over its satellite launch though they have rushed headlong into space militarization, going against the trend of the times, and polluted space. Why? Their ulterior aim is to deter the DPRK from growing stronger in its national power and sovereignty through space development and prevent it from emerging a power at any cost. The DPRK's struggle to conquer space is a just struggle to achieve economic development and the prosperity of the country and defend the sovereignty of the country and the nation. No one can block the DPRK in its grand drive for conquering space. Many more satellites of the DPRK will be launched into space. |
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