calendar>>July 21. 2012 Juch 101 |
KCNA Commentary Lays Bare Terrorism of Lee Myung Bak Regime
Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- The Lee Myung Bak regime of traitors has now gone so ridiculous in its bid to conceal its pitiful true colors. A spokesman for the south Korean "Ministry of National Defense" in a TV appearance unhesitatingly let loose a string of balderdash that "the case touted by the north is a lie and groundless" and "there is no worth countering it on 'government' level". Explicitly speaking, this is another despicable smear campaign against the DPRK the south Korean regime kicked off to save its face, much upset by the revelation of its heinous acts of subversion and sabotage in the very eyes of the world. As already exposed, the act of demolishing the statues the Lee Myung Bak rat-like group attempted to commit is an outrageous and heinous hostile act against the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and a grave politically-motivated, state-sponsored terrorist case wantonly violating international law. This time the group singled out statues of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu as a target of subversive acts and sabotage and, to this end, prepared a terrorist weapon whose use is under worldwide control as an explosive device. Involved in the attempted terrorism were agents of the south Korean Intelligence Service and the Defense Security Command of the army and all other intelligence plot-breeding organs of south Korea under the manipulation of the U.S. intelligence organs. The "undertaking" was timed to coincide with the greatest celebrations of the nation aimed at the so-called "greatest effect". This goes to clearly prove that the current case is entirely a heinous politically-motivated state-sponsored terrorist act. What is more serious is that rat Lee Myung Bak, a lawless hooligan running wild just like a puppy knowing no fear of the tiger, branded the press conference held in Pyongyang to disclose his heinous crime as "the one for consolidating social system". This is, indeed, a hysteric fit of psychopathic patient keen on confrontation of social systems and the last-ditch efforts of the living dead to flee from the judgment of history. By nature, its description is a trite method to mislead the public opinion whenever it finds itself in a tight corner in the wake of its farce. In the past the group of traitors let many plot-breeding and terrorist organizations including the "front for liberation of the north Korean people" and "special operation groups" kick off "disturbances" and fake up "shocking cases". It also continuously committed heinous provocation moves such as the case of firing at the image representing the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and its flag. Recently it infiltrated wicked defectors to the south and traitors into the DPRK again being assigned duty of heinous hostile acts of insulting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK. Woman Pak Jong Suk, who was taken to south Korea by south Korean agents, and criminal Jon Yong Chol indicted before the world the south Korean puppet regime's moves against the DPRK. The recent criminal case is an extension of the heinous provocations traitor Lee Myung Bak has committed to insult the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK, regarding it as a means of existence to seek confrontation of social systems and fratricidal showdown. And it is a height of confrontation racket. The regime is seriously mistaken if it thinks it can stir up the mindset of the people in the DPRK through such despicable subversion and sabotage moves, break its single-minded unity and topple its social system. No hostile forces can ever break the DPRK's steel-strong single-minded unity. To dare demolish statues of the peerlessly great persons is a war action as serious as invasion as it is the most undisguised insult and physical attack on the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK. If the rat-like Lee Myung Bak regime intends to commit another heinous politically-motivated state-sponsored terrorist act by making a second and third Jon Yong Chol, the DPRK will wage a sacred, just war to wipe it out from this land once and for all. |
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