calendar>>August 30. 2012 Juch 101
Organizations of Peru Condemn U.S.-S. Korea War Drills against DPRK
Pyongyang, August 30 (KCNA) -- An institution and organization of Peru on Aug. 22 issued statements condemning the U.S.-south Korea Ulji Freedom Guardian joint military exercises for aggression.

The Kim Jong Suk Library of Peru said UFG is a grave threat to the security of the Korean Peninsula and the world. It said as follows:

The U.S. should know that it has no right to destroy the peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.

If it finally ignites a war by prodding the south Korean puppet forces, it would meet ruin only.

The Kim Jong Suk Library of Peru believes that the heroic Korean People's Army and people will smash the provocations of aggressors and certainly achieve a final victory in the sacred war for reunifying the country as they have the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un as their supreme commander.

The Peruvian Committee for Supporting the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea in a statement said that UFG is nothing but war drills for aggression aimed at preemptive attack on the DPRK and another political and military provocation against the Korean people aspiring after the independent reunification of the country.

It is a daydream for the U.S imperialists and the south Korean Lee Myung Bak group of traitors to seek to break down Korean-style socialism centered on the popular masses through war, the statement noted.

The DPRK will resolutely repel the provocations of the imperialists and their stooges and shine forever as a socialist fortress of Juche as Kim Jong Un is successfully carrying forward the Songun leadership of Generalissimo Kim Jong Il, it stressed.

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