calendar>>October 8. 2012 Juch 101
Indelible Crime of Japanese Imperialists Condemned
Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- It has been 117 years since the Japanese imperialists stormed the royal palace of the feudal state of Ri Dynasty in Korea on October 8, 1895 and stabbed to death Min, wife of the 26th king Kojong.

At that time Queen Min was one of those who represented the state power of Korea and the royal palace was considered a sacred place symbolic of the state sovereignty.

The then Japanese rulers dispatched Lieut. General Miura as their minister resident in Korea to kill its queen who stood against Japan by becoming the chief of the pro-Russian faction.

On October 3, 1895 Miura called a meeting at the Japanese legation in Seoul and formed a group of murderers by enlisting the Japanese garrison and police forces and even gangsters.

At the dawn of October 8 the group stormed the Kyongbok Royal Palace, killing its guards, and encircled the Konchong Palace where King and Queen were staying. They intruded into the palace and savagely killed the queen and court ladies. And they burnt her dead body and threw her remains into a pond.

The murder of the queen was a crime against humanity rare to be found in history, and it was a hideous crime against the Korean nation as it was worked out and executed under Japan's policy of aggression on Korea.

After their illegal occupation of Korea the Japanese imperialists enforced harsh colonial fascist rule, imposing untold misfortunes and sufferings upon the Korean people.

67 years have passed since the Japanese imperialists' defeat. However, Japan is still resorting to the cunning tricks to evade its responsibility for the past crimes, far from making an apology and reparation.

Such reckless moves of the Japanese reactionaries only make the Korean army and people harden their resolve and will to settle accounts with Japan to the last.

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