calendar>>October 8. 2012 Juch 101
Mammary Gland Tumor Institute Goes Operation at Pyongyang Maternity Hospital
Pyongyang, October 8 (KCNA) -- The Mammary Gland Tumor Institute has been successfully built at the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital as required by the new century.

The institute is a modern medical service center for the prevention and treatment of mammary gland diseases and scientific researches.

A ceremony for its completion took place on Monday.

Present there were Choe Yong Rim, Choe Thae Bok, Mun Kyong Dok, officials of ministries and national institutions, soldier-builders and officials and employees of the hospital.

Choe Chang Sik, minister of Public Health, said in his address the institute was built on the initiative of Generalissimo Kim Jong Il and under the meticulous guidance of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un.

He called on the officials and employees of the hospital to put the treatment and prevention of mammary gland diseases and scientific research on a high level and take good care of medical equipment and apparatuses, bearing deep in mind the great care shown by Kim Jong Un who spares nothing for the health of the women in the DPRK.

At the end of the ceremony its participants went round different places of the institute.

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