calendar>>October 13. 2012 Juch 101
North-South Buddhist Joint Mass Held
Mt. Kumgang, October 13 (KCNA) -- The north-south Buddhist joint mass praying for national reunification was held at the Singye Temple in Mt. Kumgang on Oct. 13 to mark the fifth anniversary of the restoration of the temple.

Present there from the north side were office-bearers of the Central Committee of the Buddhist Federation of Korea, priests of the temple and believers and from the south side priests and believers of the Buddhist Jogye Order.

A ritual was made to be followed by speeches.

Then a north-south Buddhist joint address praying for national reunification was read out.

Speakers said that the Singye Temple successfully restored by concerted efforts of Buddhists in the north and the south has failed to play a due role owing to the obstructions of anti-reunification conservatives who dislike the national unity and reunification and the desire of fellow countrymen to visit Mt. Kumgang.

They called upon Buddhists in the north and the south to unite in Dharma-minded concord to improve the north-south relations, preserve and implement the north-south joint declarations and thus make the temple Buddhism seminary for national concord guided by teaching of Buddha.

A joint address expressed the resolution of the Buddhists in the north and the south to turn out as one in the drive to defuse the distrust and confrontation between the north and the south and the danger of war and ensure durable and solid peace along the road indicated by the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the October 4 declaration.

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