calendar>>October 13. 2012 Juch 101
Mansudae Art Troupe Gives Performance in Dandong, China
Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- A music and dance performance was given by the Mansudae Art Troupe at a stadium in Dandong on Friday and Saturday to mark the beginning of the week of DPRK-China friendship.

Enjoying the performance were a vice-chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, figures of various circles and citizens of Liaoning Province and Dandong City including a vice governor of Liaoning Province, the staff members of Chinese embassy in Pyongyang including its Ambassador Liu Hongcai and diplomatic envoys of various countries to the DPRK.

Also among the audience were members of the DPRK delegation for the week led by Hong Kil Nam, vice-chairman of the North Phyongan Provincial People's Committee, Kim Kwang Hun, DPRK consul-general in Shenyang and Choe Un Bok, chairwoman of the General Association of Koreans in China.

The performance began with the immortal revolutionary paean "Song of General Kim Il Sung".

Put on the stage were such colorful numbers as female quintet and chorus "Moran Hill", dance "Azalea of Homeland" and violin ensemble "General Uses Art of Compressing Space".

The performers successfully represented boundless reverence for the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il who made immortal contributions to the Korean revolution and global independence and forged and steadily developed the DPRK-China friendly ties, as well as the Korean people's ardent patriotism.

Also put on the stage were Chinese songs and world famous songs.

A floral basket was presented to the performers congratulating them on their successful performance.

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