calendar>>January 24. 2013 Juch 102 |
DPRK Citizens Who Had Been Taken to S. Korea Interviewed after Return
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Kwang Ho and his wife and Ko Kyong Hui were interviewed by local and foreign journalists at the People's Palace of Culture here Thursday after their return to the DPRK. They were carried to south Korea after being taken in by the south Korean puppet group's appeasement and allurement. Present at the press conference were journalists of media in the DPRK and journalists of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and foreign countries. Kim Kwang Ho and his wife and Ko Kyong Hui first spoke of the circumstances in which they were taken to south Korea. Kim Kwang Ho, 37, who was born in Yonsu-ri, Yonsa County, North Hamgyong Province, stealthily went to China in August 2009 together with his fiance Kim Ok Sil, 29. During the Arduous March he had illegally crossed the border several times looking for money and had been subject to penalty under relevant law. He testified to the fact that he was taken in by priest called Ri Yo Sep and those aligned with the south Korean puppet forces in China and was taken to south Korea. Kim Ok Sil who was born in Sangdam-ri, Paekam County, Ryanggang Province illegally crossed the DPRK-China border together with Kim Kwang Ho. In China they were deceived by stooges of the south Korean Intelligence Service and went to south Korea. Kim Kwang Ho said that south Korea was a dirty society. He said that he made up his mind to come back to the DPRK in late last year with his back turned on the cursed south Korean society after listening to the news of a press conference given by Pak Jong Suk in June last year upon her return to the DPRK. Pak had been taken to south Korea. Ko Kyong Hui, 37, who was residing in Kanggu-dong, Hyesan City, Ryanggang Province, said that she illegally crossed the border in March 2011, adding that she was deceived by a man called Director General Ho in Shenyang and was taken to south Korea in June. She noted: She was spending days and months that were like nightmare. One day she lied she would bring her children in the north and made her way to the homeland through China. They answered the questions raised by journalists. Referring to the rackets of "defectors from the north" and "human rights" being kicked up by the south Korean puppet forces even though they allure and abduct residents of the DPRK in a mean way, Ko Kyong Hui said: Some of those who went to south Korea fled the DPRK after committing crimes but most of them were taken to south Korea being allured and taken in by the puppet forces in the countries around the DPRK. The south Korean puppet forces are calling them "defectors from the north." The case is the same with me. I illegally crossed the border because I was told that I can make money in China. My intention was not to go to south Korea. A man called Director General Ho whom I made acquaintance with in Shenyang took me to Beijing, saying that I have to go to Beijing if I want to make money. In Beijing he said that it is hard to find a job because of differing language and control that has become tighter. In the end he suggested my going to south Korea. When I opposed, he recommended Canada, saying that in Canada I can make money and it will be possible for me to go back to the homeland once I attain the Canadian citizenship. He further said that he has no other way to help, half-appeasing and half-threatening that if I don't like going to Canada, I may go back home by myself. Later I went to a "refugee camp" in Thailand via Kunming, China, following several men. The "refugee camp" was a building for controlling illegal immigrants. Only there I learned that it was a sheer lie that I would be sent to Canada. The puppet forces prepared a separate room for detaining DPRK residents in the "refugee camp" and are plotting to take them to south Korea. Kim Kwang Ho said that the south Korean puppet forces have distributed its stooges in neighboring countries and continue sordid acts to carry DPRK citizens to south Korea. South Korean priest Ri Yo Sep whom he met in China was a man engaged in taking DPRK citizens to south Korea while traveling to and from China, he said, adding: Kim Yong Hwa, chairman of the "confederation for human rights of refugees from the north" who allured me to south Korea, was doing the same work. He let loose a string of honeyed words that we will be provided shelter and settlement fund in south Korea and that we can be better off if we work hard. As soon as we were released from "Hana Center", the building for temporarily keeping defectors to the south, he called at us and urged me to pay the amount specified in the written guarantee, adding that only then can he bring other people. This shows that even though the south Korean puppet forces loudly speak of "defectors from the north", they are, in fact, forcibly bringing DPRK citizens with the use of their stooges whom they distributed in different parts outside south Korea. Mentioning their life experience in south Korea, Kim Kwang Ho and his wife and Ko Kyong Hui said that south Korea is a society where money is almighty and an evil society full of extreme individualism and misanthropy. Turning to the anti-DPRK confrontation moves of the south Korean puppet forces, Kim Kwang Ho continued: Detective Sim Hyong Gu who was in charge of me came to my worksite one day in 2011 and showed me kindness, offering me seasoned rice rolled in laver and sausages. He asked me what I think about "Cheonan" warship sinking case. When I questioned "Why do you ask me that question", he said that he asks all other "defectors from the north" the same question. I told him that I think carelessness was to blame and asked if it is possible for a torpedo to get rusty soon after it was shot. I further said people see it as a trick of the south Korean authorities. His face turned white with rage and he packed food and went away. He became angry because the thing did not go as he planned. He was going to build up public opinion in the direction of blaming the "Cheonan" warship sinking case on the north through the mouths of those who came from the north. There took place in south Korea last September a "north Korean human rights film festival" aimed at slandering the DPRK. There was an advertisement that the movies will be shown free. Huge fund was spent for making those films. It did not stand to reason that the films will be shown free in south Korea where even flea's skin will be collected if it is thought to make money. Later I learned that the south Korean authorities held the farce by squandering huge funds to instill bitterness to the DPRK in south Koreans. Ko Kyong Hui said that the south Korean puppet forces are keen on collecting information that can be used for staging smear campaign against the DPRK. Through the "defectors from the north", the puppet forces are working hard to collect information about the economy of the DPRK and the locations of national institutions, she added. Ko Kyong Hui and Kim Kwang Ho said that they were unpunished and leniently treated instead of being punished on their return to the DPRK, stressing that the future of the DPRK is bright as the leader and the people are making devoted efforts for the prosperity of the country in one mind. |
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