calendar>>February 23. 2013 Juch 102 |
KCNA Commentary Decries Lee Myung Bak's Retirement Address
Pyongyang, February 23 (KCNA) -- Traitor Lee Myung Bak recently made a retirement address. As was the case with his inaugural address five years ago, the recent address was also a shameless and arrogant farce and burlesque. His address was full of self-praises in which he loudly talked about sort of "success" and "achievements" during his five years in office. Earlier he set afloat videos and information praising himself. He also made a radio internet speech as the last one in his tenure in which he let loose a spate of lies that he "worked heart and soul to become a man serving the people, not a man in authority." He even put his name in the list of winners of so-called "highest order" in south Korea to receive it. This clearly revealed his true colors as a kingpin of thieves who is accustomed to political pocket-picking. It is by no means fortuitous that south Koreans of all social standings unanimously criticized the address, saying that it is replete with poor excuses and self-praises. No signs of reflecting on or feeling responsible for its crimes of pushing the people to destitution and deteriorating the north-south ties could be found in his address, they said. What should not go unnoticed is that the traitor found fault with the DPRK while justifying his policy of confrontation with the fellow countrymen to the last. This is just a last-ditch effort of a politically dead man who is making desperate efforts to avoid a ruin after covering up all the huge crimes he committed against the nation. As known, during his office Lee made south Korea be more dependent on the U.S., deteriorated the people's livelihood and plunged the north-south ties to a deadlock. The serious situation created on the Korean Peninsula is attributable to the hostile policy toward the DPRK pursued by the U.S. being displeased with the unity and reunification of the Korean nation and the confrontation racket kicked up by the group of traitors led by Lee. Traitor Lee is the rubbish of history who can not be buried in the territory of the nation after his death. He is seriously mistaken if he thinks he can join the south Koreans' community as an "ordinary citizen". Clear is the fate awaiting Lee. He is bound to have hard time even on his journey to the other world. |
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