calendar>>March 8. 2013 Juch 102 |
Aggressors Will Meet Destruction: CPRK Secretariat
Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) released the information bulletin No. 1021 on Friday: The army and people of the DPRK are poised for a final do-or-die battle in the spirit of annihilating enemies after the statement was made public by a spokesman for the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army. The south Korean puppet military hooligans engrossed in confrontation and provocation are running reckless, unaware of the gravity of the situation and the ensuing catastrophic consequences. On March 6, the puppet Joint Chiefs of Staff let the chief of the operational department clarify south Korea's stand with regard to the statement of the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army. The military hooligans described the Key Resolve and Foal eagle war drills as "annual exercises for defense" and called the DPRK's crucial measures a "provocation". They even blustered that they would "severely punish even the commanding forces" of the north, adding that "they are bracing for putting it into practice." They even bluffed that they would target the supreme headquarters of the Korean revolution, openly touting "punishing the commanding forces", a serious act of provoking an all-out war. In April last year, they openly aired the footage of missile attack, calling for "striking the window of office in Pyongyang." It is tragedy of the nation that the group of cursed traitors like Lee Myung Bak is still at large even though they deserve divine punishment for the heinous crimes they already committed against the nation. The enemies of the nation who dare point their finger at the sky can never go scot-free. It is the fixed determination of the army and people of the DPRK to certainly deal sledge-hammer blows at the group of traitors who seek to harm the headquarters of the revolution, which represents the supreme dignity of the DPRK. The puppet military group dares make rhetoric, unaware that the stronghold of confrontation and treachery Chongwadae, and Seoul will be blown up at a time when they attempt "punishing the commanding forces of the north". The DPRK solemnly stated to the world that from the moment when the Korean Armistice Agreement is nullified due to the moves for provoking a war of aggression by the U.S. imperialists and the puppet warmongers, the DPRK will mount Korean style strike of justice at the provocateurs without hesitation. The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK, already put on a high alert, are waiting for an order for great advance for national reunification, determined to blast the strongholds of aggression with prompt and fatal retaliation, should the provocateurs make even the slightest move. The reckless moves of the puppet warmongers for confrontation with the DPRK will accelerate their most miserable end. Neither the U.S. nuclear umbrella which the puppet forces trust in as the savior nor international cooperation will be able to save the group of traitors to the nation. The aggressors, provokers will meet a final ruin for provoking the DPRK for no reason. |
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