calendar>>March 25. 2013 Juch 102 |
GI Crimes in South Korea Blasted
Pyongyang, March 25 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the North Headquarters of the Nationwide Special Committee for Probing the Truth behind the GIs' Crimes issued the following statement on Monday: The entire Korean nation is enraged by the brutal crimes by the gangster-like U.S. troops in south Korea in unbroken chain. Crimes committed by GIs in recent days alone are lashing south Koreans into fury. GIs went on shooting spree against pedestrians in the heart of Seoul during their DPRK-targeted war drills. Other GIs leaped upon a car driver and a restaurant owner, threatening them with lethal weapons. Another group of GIs teased women in a lift of an apartment building and on the subway car. Infuriated by GIs' crimes, people of various circles in south Korea are shouting slogan "Let's drive the U.S. forces, perpetrators of all sorts of evils and crimes, out of this land as soon as possible". Brass hats of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in south Korea are letting loose such rhetoric as "apology" or "measure" in a bid to calm down the south Koreans' resistance. These atrocities are a vivid manifestation of extreme arrogance of the occupation forces which regard south Korea as their colony and its people for a plaything, brutal nature of the cannibals' group and the shameless way of thinking of the colonial ruler. Looking back on history, GIs' robbery, murder, rape and violence were daily occurrence for the last several decades since their landing in south Korea. These crimes have brought untold sufferings and pain to the south Koreans. The U.S. imperialist aggressor forces have run the whole gamut of crimes in south Korea, stunning its people and other people of the world. They include massacre of civilians on Jeju Island and in Rogun-ri, an incident in which GIs forced haircut on a woman in Tongduchon and killing of Yun Kum I, Sin Hyo Sun and Sim Mi Son recorded in history. These crimes bring into broad daylight the brutal, cruel and high-handed nature of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces. What is more hateful is that they are working with bloodshot eyes to ignite a nuclear war in a bid to reduce the whole territory of Korea to ashes and exterminate the entire Korean nation, not content with perpetrating such hair-raising atrocities. The U.S. stages every year madcap war maneuvers to invade the DPRK with huge nuclear strike means including nuclear strategic bomber, nuclear-powered submarine and carrier involved under the signboard of "provision of nuclear umbrella" to south Korea. B-52's frantic drill for dropping A-bombs staged in the air over south Korea during the Key Resolve war exercises clearly proves that the south Korean people are exposed to an extreme danger of nuclear disaster, to say nothing of GIs' ceaseless violence. "Protection of a friendly nation" and "provision of nuclear umbrella" touted by American brutes obsessed with extreme phobia about Koreans are nothing but sheer sophism to justify their plunder, killing, aggression and war. This being a hard reality, the poor-spirited puppet group of traitors in south Korea is crying out for "a closer alliance" like a monk chanting prayer. While acting as a shock force in the moves of its master for a war of aggression, the group is running amuck to escalate the confrontation with fellow countrymen and intensify the suppression of pro-reunification patriotic forces, keeping mum about crimes of GIs. The puppet group is making a far-fetched assertion that the north's nuclear deterrence for self-defence aimed to defend the nation and protect the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula is dangerous, while trying hard to keep itself under "safe umbrella" of U.S. nuclear weapons though they are designed to bring a nuclear disaster to all compatriots. Such disgraceful behavior of the group betrays its wretched plight as colonial stooges. The GIs' crimes will never come to an end through a mere revision of the U.S.-south Korea "Status of Forces Agreement." The south Korean people will never be in peace as long as the U.S. imperialists are allowed to go on rampage in south Korea. They should put an end to the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces' presence, the root cause of all sorts of misfortune and disaster, at an early date and dynamically turn out in a nationwide sacred war for wiping out the pro-U.S. group of sycophants and traitors to the last man. |
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