calendar>>April 6. 2013 Juch 102 |
Anniversary of Kim Jong Un's Work Observed
Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Saturday dedicates a bylined article to the first anniversary of the publication of the dear respected Kim Jong Un's work "Let Us Brilliantly Accomplish the Revolutionary Cause of Juche, Holding Kim Jong Il in High Esteem as the Eternal General Secretary of Our Party." This work, published on April 6, Juche 101 (2012), clearly indicates the principled issues arising in accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche holding in high esteem Kim Jong Il as eternal leader of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and the Korean people. The work represents the height of the revolutionary moral sense of obligation as it opened a new chapter for accomplishing the cause of immortalizing the leaders, the article says, and continues: It is quite natural to hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem as eternal general secretary of the WPK as he performed the immortal exploits for the times and revolution by leading it for a long period. It is also the due moral obligation in line with the noble thoughts and feelings and wishes of all the party members and other people who believed in him as in the father of the nation and in Heaven. The work serves as an important one making it possible to develop the WPK into an eternal party of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. The work is an ever-victorious banner to be held fast to in the great advance for a final victory in the struggle to build a thriving socialist nation true to the behests of Kim Jong Il. All the officials, party members and other people should remain true to the leadership of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un who is firmly defending the idea and cause of Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and successfully carrying forward them and thus demonstrate the dignity and might of Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong Il's Korea before the whole world. |
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