calendar>>April 6. 2013 Juch 102 |
Anniversary of Kim Jong Un's Work Observed
Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- Today marks the 20th anniversary of the publication of President Kim Il Sung's work "10-Point Programme of the Great Unity of the Whole Nation for the Reunification of the Country." The work, published on April 6, Juche 82 (1993), provided important guidelines to be always held fast to by the Korean nation in achieving the great unity of the nation and the cause of national reunification. Rodong Sinmun Saturday says in a bylined article dedicated to the anniversary: 20 years have passed since the work was published, but it keeps clearly indicating a bright way to be followed by all the Koreans for shaping out the independent destiny and achieving the eternal prosperity. The 10-point programme serves as a powerful weapon to be firmly defended and always used by the Korean nation up to the day when the national reunification movement and the cause of national independence will triumph. The U.S. moves for aggression, a serious threat to the sovereignty and dignity of the Korean nation and the supreme interests of the country, have reached an extreme phase. The prevailing situation urgently requires the Korean nation to decisively smash the U.S. vicious moves to invade the DPRK through nation-wide resistance and put an end to the history of the confrontation and war on the Korean Peninsula. Whoever is concerned about the destiny of the nation and wants national reunification should join in a sacred patriotic struggle for reunification. The U.S., much upset by the might of the united Korean nation, and the pro-U.S. conservatives keen to prolong their remaining days, backed by it, can never escape their doom. |
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