calendar>>May 15. 2013 Juch 102 |
KCNA Flays S. Korea for Blocking Screening of Documentary about Cheonan
Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- Fair-minded film makers of south Korea produced a documentary "Cheonan warship project" late in April. The documentary drew public attention as it disclosed in an objective way several contradictory points spotted in the investigation results that were announced by the puppet regime. Upset by this, the puppet regime threatened to make an application for provisional ban on screening of the documentary, claiming that it is sparking "confusion among people" and "public conflict" over the investigation results. It went the lengths of forcing the film producers to stop screening. This base act shows the uneasiness over the disclosure of the conspiratorial truth about the Cheonan case. As being exposed, the case is a heinous farce against the DPRK intentionally choreographed by traitor Lee Myung Bak to do away with the June 15 era of reunification and tide over the ruling crisis through confrontation between the north and the south. It is for this reason that no sooner had the investigation results the keynote of which is the "story about torpedo attack by the north" been announced than they were rejected by south Korean and world public. Not only south Korean experts but scientists and investigation members of the U.S. and other countries raised doubtful points and demanded the probe into the case. As a result, the case has not yet been settled. What matters is why the south Korean authorities are restless as regards the screening of the documentary. If they do not feel guilty, they can just take an objective and fair stand on any data needed for probing the case on which the world public attention is focused. The south Korean authorities are now claiming "distinction", "change" and "freedom of expression under the system of liberal democracy" more loudly than ever before. They have no justifications or face to block the screening of the documentary. The clear reason is that they needed a pretext such as the "story about torpedo attack by the north" and "May 24 step" for persisting in the confrontation policy just as traitor Lee did. The present south Korean regime is made up of diehard sycophants, traitors and wicked confrontation maniacs in the political and military history. The "confidence process" touted by the chief executive of south Korea, as was disclosed during her recent trip to the U.S., is just a revised version of Lee's confrontation policy of "no-nukes, opening and 3,000 dollars". The chief executive's remarks about "reward for provocation", escalating nuclear war maneuvers, racket for "eliminating forces following the north" and all internal and external policies of the present south Korean regime and the process of practicing them have assumed more frantic nature than during the Lee regime. The present south Korean treacherous regime sycophantic to the U.S. has to follow the U.S. confrontation policy and intentionally create an atmosphere of confrontation in order to have its power and existence guaranteed and protected by its master. This is the unavoidable fate of the south Korean regime. In the light of all facts, no one can vouch that the regime will not fake up more heinous conspiratorial farce than the Cheonan case. Confrontation with fellow countrymen and public conflict are what the regime feels necessary and, in actuality, it is the regime which is fostering them. That is why the regime is blocking the screening of the documentary. History and the situation show what miserable ends those keen on confrontation and intrigues have met. The chief executive of south Korea had better bear in mind that she will not be able to evade the disgraceful fate as her predecessors did if she goes reckless with confrontation and intrigues. |
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