calendar>>May 24. 2013 Juch 102 |
U.S. Attempt to Develop Ultra-Modern Drones under Fire
Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- Recently the U.S. conducted a test flight of fighter jet-size X-47B drone by letting it take off from an aircraft carrier in the waters off Virginia State, a debut flying of drone from a flat-top. Prior to this, the U.S. Air Force conducted a test flight of an ultra super-sonic drone capable of striking any targets on earth in the waters off the southern region of California State. Rodong Sinmun Friday in a bylined commentary observes in this regard: Such test flights indicate that the U.S. is scheming to expand the drone war on a world-wide scale by developing and deploying ultra-modern drones. The U.S. is getting frantic in developing and deploying latest war hardware by spending a fabulous amount of money although it is suffering economic depression. Lurking behind this is its ulterior design to win an unchallenged military edge in the international arena. Although much water has flown under the bridge, the ambition of the U.S. to dominate the world by force remains unchanged. The present U.S. administration is expanding the scale of its war of aggression, being hell-bent on threat and blackmail against other countries by use of latest war hardware, an evermore undisguised revelation of its ambition for hegemony. It is an ulterior calculation of the U.S. that it can dominate the world if it becomes capable of neutralizing the attack from other countries and dealing critical blows at them. Its desperate establishment of missile defence systems is just aimed to weaken the offensive capabilities of big powers and increase its attack capabilities. Peace and arms buildup can never go together. The U.S. is oft-repeating about "peace and guarantee of security" but it is nothing but rhetoric to conceal its crimes of harassing the peace. With no sleight of hand can the U.S. hide its crimes and true colors as a main architect stirring up international arms race and wrecking the world peace and security. |
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