calendar>>May 25. 2013 Juch 102 |
DPRK Will Closely Follow Park Geun Hye's Future Behavior
Pyongyang, May 25 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Policy Department of the DPRK National Defence Commission issued the following statement on Saturday: Park Geun Hye, puppet president of south Korea, openly revealed her sinister intention to stand in confrontation with the DPRK again on Thursday. When meeting with the director of the U.S. Centre for Strategic and International Studies and his party that day, she said that the north has played a "game" escalating the tension on the Korean Peninsula. Recently she was so pitiful as to coquettishly behave, blustering that the north is attempting a new "gamble" called new line on simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and the building of nuclear force. Personally hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK, she made such reckless remarks as uttering the north cannot succeed in implementing the above-said line. She foolishly tried to shift the responsibility for having strained the overall situation on the Korean Peninsula onto the north. It is not the first time that she made such reckless remarks. She has kicked up confrontation hysteria seriously rattling the nerves of the north through a spate of malignant invectives and sheer sophism since she was busy with a shameful presidential campaign. Recently, she orchestrated a reckless confrontation charade in collusion with her American master during her U.S. junket, not content with staging such political burlesque in the corrupt south Korean society, unaware of domestic and foreign public criticism of her. Now that she can no longer hide her heinous confrontation stance towards the north, we cannot but argue about this. There is an old adage that an ignorant person had better not pretend to know anything and one should not dare mouth anything one does not know. Such mouthing is bound to reveal ignorance and reckless tongue-lashing causes unpredictable trouble. The same can be said of her rigmarole slandering the above-said line of the north. As far as this line is concerned, it is a great inheritance of the line on simultaneously developing the economy and defence up-building laid down by the DPRK to cope with the grave situation in the 1960s of the last century as it developed the line at a new stage as required by the prevailing situation on the eve of a war created by the U.S. This is the line which no other country in the world can ever advance. Thanks to this line the army and people of the DPRK are building a socialist land of bliss desired by all people and it is demonstrating its might as a political and ideological power, military power and nuclear weapons state envied by world people and feared by enemies. It is thanks to this strategic line that the DPRK has reliably protected the sovereignty of the nation and dignity and security of the people from the U.S. constant nuclear blackmail and moves for aggression. It is Park Geun Hye who does not know at all the great meaning and tremendous weight of this strategic line the justice and vitality of which have been irrefutably proved for decades. That is why she dared let loose such vituperation as "south Korea cannot allow nukes of the north," "the north should opt for making a switchover by dismantling its nukes first" and "the north cannot keep its inhabitants alive with nukes". She went the lengths of terming the above-said line a gamble. Being in the presidential office, she ought to know about the other party's policy to a certain extent. She had better buckle down to grasping the level of its military preparedness before learning how to change her skirt into trousers and change her civilian dress into a military uniform. Not a long period has passed since Park came to Chongwadae, but there are too many examples to cite to reveal the true colors as a confrontation-minded element. Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we cannot but draw attention to the present ruling quarters of south Korea including Park Geun Hye. Confrontation hysteria against us and whole string of invectives against us will only bring disgrace and destruction to them. Park Geun Hye and present south Korean ruling quarters would be well advised to face up to the trend of the times and stop their anachronistic actions swimming against it. She will never escape the same unfortunate fate as that of the successive puppet presidents of south Korea if she goes busy reviving "the yusin" dictatorship and fascist dictatorship and gets frantic with the moves to sell off the dignity of the nation to outside forces and escalate the confrontation with compatriots as now. She should seriously recollect why the "yusin" dictator was shot to death and why her predecessor Lee Myung Bak is being treated as a man more dead than alive. We will closely follow the future behaviors of the present ruling quarters of south Korea including Park Geun Hye. |
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