calendar>>June 4. 2013 Juche 102 |
Talk about "Internationalizing" Issue of KIZ Is Ridiculous: KCNA Commentary
Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- Nowadays the south Korean authorities often speak volumes about the "internationalization" of inter-Korean relations. They are busy advertising their incoherent "policy toward the north", asserting that "it is necessary to bring about an innovative change aimed at internationalizing the issue of the Kaesong Industrial Zone (KIZ), not simply normalizing its operation" and crying out for building a "world peace park" in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). This is nothing but a mockery of the nation and a cynical ploy to mislead the world public opinion as they are reckless confrontation remarks made by those hell-bent on dependence on outside forces and sycophancy and treachery. The KIZ is a product of the June 15 era of reunification and a symbol of the idea of "By our nation itself". Any attempt to bring outside forces into the KIZ under the pretext of "internationalization" and "attraction of foreign businesses" is no more than a wicked act of treachery quite contrary to the original objective of the zone aimed to reenergize the inter-Korean exchange and cooperation and the spirit of the June 15 joint declaration the keynote of which is the idea of "By our nation itself". The Korean nation has suffered the pain resulting from the nearly 70 year-long division since it was split into two parts by foreign forces. Not content with this deplorable situation, the south Korean authorities are keen to bring outside forces into the KIZ and the DMZ. This behavior is absolutely intolerable as it is designed to perpetuate the division of the nation. The "internationalization" touted by the south Korean group of traitors as a proposal for implementing its "confidence-building process on the Korean Peninsula", "its policy toward the north", is not aimed at improving the inter-Korean relations but at escalating confrontation and achieving "unification of Korea through absorption", to all intents and purposes. It is by no means fortuitous that the puppet group openly claims "the internationalization of the zone would be a remedy for saving the KIZ from north's threat to close it" and "it would also serve as a measure to induce the north into opening and reform" whenever Seoul refers to KIZ "internationalization." All facts go to clearly prove that the "internationalization" of the inter-Korean relations on the lips of the south Korean regime is a product of its criminal scenario to step up its preparations for achieving "unification of social systems" through "reform" and "opening" in the north by introducing outside forces. The south Korean authorities are taking the lead in ratcheting up sanctions against the DPRK and becoming vocal about the rejuvenation of the operation in the zone through its "internationalization" and "confidence" between the north and the south, while keeping in force such confrontation measures as "May 24 steps" that pushed the overall inter-Korean relations to the phase of collapse. This is a political cartoon. In reference to the "internationalization" of the KIZ, the south Korean puppet minister of Unification said on March 27 he was of the view that "it is not easy for the government to advance straight as planned under the prevailing situation where the international sanctions against the north persist." The south Korean puppet group is sadly mistaken if it calculates it can conceal its true colors as a group of confrontation maniacs through trumpeting about contradictory "internationalization". The south Korean authorities would be well advised to stop vociferating about the criminal farce for "internationalization" and think over what should be done before any things in the light of the present inter-Korean relations and from the firm stand of "By our nation itself." Their oft-repeated call for "internationalization," not away from the long-bankrupt watchwords of "no nukes, opening and 3 000 dollars," would not help influence the mind-set of compatriots but only precipitate their shameful destruction. |
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