calendar>>July 5. 2013 Juche 102 |
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Ushering in New Age of Development of Science, Technology
Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- The scientific and technological front is the outpost of the party-wide and all-people general offensive to implement the new line of the Workers' Party of Korea on simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and the building of nuclear force, says Rodong Sinmun in an editorial Friday. It goes on: The WPK's line is premised on the rapid development of science and technology and no success can be achieved in economic construction and the building of nuclear force without the development of science and technology. Under the wise leadership of the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, who always attached importance to science and technology, the nation witnessed the development of fields of latest science and technology, core forces for research and development have grown up and foundations have been laid for the development of the cutting-edge industry. In various economic sectors, the work to put them on a Juche, modern and CNC basis made dynamic progress. The DPRK's space, nuclear and CNC technologies, in particular, have been put on a world level despite the U.S. imperialists and their allies' persistent moves to stifle the DPRK. The shortest cut to achieving the prosperity of the nation lies in strictly relying on science and technology and steadily developing them. The development of science and technology accelerates the development of all the sectors and the development level and speed of all fabrics of society are decided by the progress of science and technology. Under this situation, the issue of bringing about signal progress in science and technology is presenting itself as a more urgent task for the successful implementation of the WPK's new line. Success in the work to develop science and technology entirely hinges on how our officials, commanding members of the revolution, work as is the case with all other affairs. The editorial calls upon all the officials to pay deep attention to science and technology and make all efforts for their development. |
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