calendar>>July 15. 2013 Juche 102 |
Japan Should Be Ashamed of Its Wrongs: KCNA Commentary
Pyongyang, July 15 (KCNA) -- A group of oldest-ever prostitutes has been recently disclosed in Tokyo, stunning the world. It cannot but be a shocking case as even old women were used for the business to gratify the sexual desire of young men in the heart of Tokyo, although Japan is well known to the world for prostitution. 63 year-old woman Kazuko Suwa openly admitted after being arrested by Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency while operating a brothel that "she operated a club of old prostitutes to meet the high demand of old men". She seemed to have nothing to be ashamed of as even the state politicians of Japan are openly justifying the sexual slavery enforced for the Japanese Imperial Army in the past. Such political and moral vulgarity of Japan gets more pronounced than that at the outset of human civilization. This is totally attributable to the wrong way of thinking of the Japanese politicians. It happened only recently that Hashimoto, co-head of the Japan Restoration Party and mayor of Osaka, let out sophism that sexual slavery enforced for the Imperial Japanese Army was necessary for bolstering up the combat capabilities of the soldiers under the situation that prevailed at that time. Even a lady official of the Japanese government who should be infuriated more than any others by such remarks of despising women unblushingly justified the issue of sexual slavery, stunning world people. The gravity of the issue is that such view is not the one of just a few right-wing politicians. When the UN Anti-Torture Committee urged the Japanese government to retract Hashimoto's remarks over the issue of the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army, the latter adopted a reply letter which noted that "the remarks had no legal binding force" so that "the government is not obliged to follow the advice of the UN committee" at its ministerial meeting. The Japanese chief cabinet secretary at a press conference held as regards the contents of the reply letter said "it is the view of the government that there will be no such remarks again." This implicitly supports and patronizes the reckless remarks of Hashimoto. What merits a serious attention is the fact that even youngsters are embellishing the crimes committed by the Japanese imperialists against humanity. A Japanese female student once recklessly said that the women in Asia should deem it honor to have been sexual slaves of the soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army. Her remarks help guess the picture of Japan totally corrupt in terms of politics and morality. This is an outlook on history and ethics of the Japanese who are all rotten, irrespective of age or sex. And this is a serious matter which makes Japan's future gloomy. However, Japan has neither made an apology nor reflected on its past thrice-cursed crimes against humanity but is very busy with a "human rights" campaign against other countries through its hectic diplomacy. It is quite natural that such ridiculous behavior of the Japanese reactionaries has sparked off world-wide censure. When the Japanese ambassador in charge of the issue of human rights and humanitarian affairs said "Japan is one of the countries which are highly developed in the field of human rights" at a session of the UN Anti-Torture Committee held in Geneva in May, all its participants burst into laughter. Such incident something rare in the history of UN diplomacy was recorded as a special political cartoon and tragic story in diplomacy which shows how the international community looks at Japan. Japan should feel ashamed of its doings after recollecting upon its past, though belatedly. It should bear in mind that it will experience a hotter agony of shame if it keeps trumpeting about "human rights" in the international arena, not being aware of where it stands. |
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