calendar>>July 19. 2013 Juche 102 |
DPRK Jurists Society Disclose U.S. Wartime Crimes
Pyongyang, July 19 (KCNA) -- The Jurists Society of the DPRK issued a memorandum disclosing crimes committed by the U.S. imperialists during the Korean war. The memorandum released Friday cited facts to prove that the U.S., chief culprit of aggression and war, moved to cover up its nature as the provoker of the war and draw its aggression troops and armies of its satellite countries into the war. The UN Security Council's "resolution" on the Korean war was illegal as it was not based on investigation into truth about the disputes, the memorandum said, and went on: The "resolution" was adopted in contravention of article 32 of the UN Charter which calls for having parties to the disputes present in discussing problems and paragraph 3 of article 27 of UN Charter which provides that a UNSC resolution shall be valid by approval votes of members of the council (there were seven at that time) including approval by all permanent members. The U.S. committed atrocities in breach of war legislation and custom. During the war the U.S. dropped 428,000 plus bombs over Pyongyang on 1 400 occasions, destroying industrial establishments, education, health and public service facilities and dwelling houses and killing peaceable citizens. 100 bombers of the U.S. army that flew into the sky above Sinuiju on November 8, 1950 dropped bombs, leveling 8 900 houses, killing over 9,000 and wounding 3,155. On September 16, 1950 when the U.S. forces landed on Inchon, they killed more than 1,300 civilians and arrested or killed over 75 000 patriots in Seoul alone. Little over one year into the war, the U.S. massacred one million civilians in south Korea. In areas in the northern half of Korea which were put under its temporary control the U.S. buried alive, burned to death or buried at rivers and seas a broad segment of innocent people including officials of party and power organs and working people's organizations, workers, farmers, office workers, youth and students and even religionists regardless of their sex and age. The U.S. troops even used wood-cuter as a killing tool and skinned or dismembered them to death. The U.S. raised A-bomb scare to carry people to south Korea but on the way killed over 4,000 in the makeshift bridge over ther River Taedong and on the frozen River Taedong and more than 30,000 in Sariwon-Haeju road. When retreating from the northern areas which were under their temporary control from the end of 1950, the U.S. imperialist aggressors spread all kinds of infectious viruses including smallpox, making the areas plagued with infectious diseases. The number of cases who contracted infectious diseases rapidly increased to reach 3 500 in April 1951 10 percent out of whom ended up in death. From early January to March 1952, the U.S. dropped all kinds of germ bombs on 169 areas in the northern half of Korea including highlands, coastal areas and mountainous areas a total of 804 times. In May 1952, the U.S. flew hundreds of planes to sky over the DPRK every day and a quarter of them dropped germ bombs. The highest number of flights reached over 480 a day. The use of poisonous gas by the U.S. began with its indiscriminate bombing on Nampho on May 6, 1951. 1,379 people died due to the poisonous gas in Nampho. There are other examples proving the atrocities committed by the U.S. imperialists in wanton violation of war legislation and custom during the Korean war. They were not accidental ones by individual American soldiers but hideous and huge crimes committed in an organized and planned way under the U.S. government policy. |
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