calendar>>September 9. 2013 Juche 102 |
Many Popular Policies Enforced in DPRK for 65 Yrs
Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- The DPRK has ceaselessly enforced popular policies in all realms of social life for the past over six decades to improve the people's well-being and provide them with highly civilized material and cultural living conditions. After the liberation of the country, many state policies and laws for the interests of the working masses were adopted. They included the "Labor Law for the Workers and Office Employees in North Korea" and the law on the enforcement of universal compulsory primary education system. In the period of the Fatherland Liberation War, too, new policies were put into force for fighters of the People's Army and people. The state measure was taken to rehabilitate the destroyed sanatoria and rest homes for the working people and rest homes appeared on front-line areas for service personnel. The universal free medical care system was introduced in the country in January Juche 42 (1953). After the war several Cabinet decisions were made to provide medical aid to workers, technicians and office employees and to intensify public health service for them. The universal compulsory primary education system was enforced from August 1956 and the universal compulsory secondary education system from November 1958 by the policy of the DPRK, which has given a top priority to the education of the rising generations. The universal compulsory eleven-year education was introduced all over the country in September 1, 1975 and "Theses on Socialist Education" was published on September 5, 1977. Children have been brought up at kindergartens and nurseries at the state expense after the adoption of the "Law of the DPRK on the Nursing and Upbringing of Children". The historic measure to remove all the agricultural tax in kind was taken in the period between 1964 and 1966 by the state policy of regarding it as the supreme principle to steadily improve the promotion of people's well-being. The DPRK became a country where no one is rated for anything for the first in the world by the enactment of the law "On Abolishing the Tax System" released by the Supreme People's Assembly in March 1974. The state social insurance and social security service are vivid examples of the policies by which the state takes care of the people's living with responsibility. Sanatoria and rest homes were built on famous mountains including Mts. Myohyang and Kuwol and in scenic spots, hot spring and mineral spring resorts and on sand beaches in the eastern and western coastal areas which draw more than 300 000 people from all walks of life every year. Many state policies including the premium system for honored disabled soldiers have been introduced on a higher level. The proclamation of the law on enforcing the universal compulsory twelve-year education is a result of the consistent policy of our party and state to glorify the idea on Juche-oriented education and immortal exploits performed by the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il for all ages. |
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