calendar>>September 25. 2013 Juche 102 |
KCNA Commentary Accuses S. Korean Minister of Defense of Inciting Confrontation with DPRK
Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- South Korean puppet minister of Defense Kim Kwan Jin, a heinous war maniac, is letting loose a whole string of provocative remarks straining the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Kim at a recent "briefing on defense policy" talked rubbish that the north "plans the 4th generation war aimed to foment social confusion in south Korea through cyber warfare, media warfare and terrorism, etc. in collusion with the forces following it." Not content with this rhetoric, he asserted that the "attempted rebellion" of the Unified Progressive Party could be viewed as a preparation for the war. He went the lengths of desperately slandering the measures taken by the DPRK for peace and dialogue as an "offensive for tactical dialogue." Such reckless remarks made by Kim is nothing surprising as they were let loose by the guy steeped in enmity toward compatriots to the marrow of his bones. However, they can never be overlooked as they adversely affect the inter-Korean relations and the atmosphere of detente on the peninsula. Such provocative outpourings let loose by this confrontation maniac almost every day are aimed to chill the atmosphere of north-south dialogue and again escalate tensions in the region. As far as Kim Kwan Jin is concerned, he held the post of defence minister during the previous regime and is staying in his office under the present one not for his military accomplishments but for his malignant tongue-lashings. He made a false show of power, crying out for "retaliatory punishment" and "strike at base of provocation" after being appointed as minister of Defense under the Lee Myung Bak regime shortly after the occurrence of the Yonphyong Island shelling incident. He took the lead in suppressing progressive forces by spearheading such reckless actions as distributing "standard teaching program" and enforcing "education in the struggle against forces following the north" in the puppet army, something hardly imaginable even in the period of the past military dictatorship. He and other military gangsters worked out such a sinister and thrice-cursed scenario for making missile strikes at the monuments to the peerlessly great men in the DPRK, which even their American masters called a "foolish one." In late March he was so grateful to the new U.S. secretary of Defense for his first "phone call" that, behaving as if he were holding the same post, he blustered that he would "beat back the north's provocation even with all the forces in the U.S. involved," becoming a laughing stock of the world public. He is no more than a confrontation maniac who does not know what a real war is like, bereft of any reason. However, whatever he uttered had an adverse bearing on the inter-Korean relations and the situation on the peninsula. The crisis in the Kaesong Industrial Zone in April last was also caused by his reckless remarks. Had the south Korean authorities not allowed him to stay in office, prudently paying heed to the warnings of the DPRK that his stay in office would bring disasters to the whole nation, there would have neither been such reckless remarks as calling for bringing the U.S. special forces into the KIZ under the pretext of "hostage rescue" operation nor would there have occurred the April crisis caused by it. When there were good signs of improvement in the north-south relations including the resumption of operation in the KIZ, a fruition of the broad magnanimity and enormous efforts, unprecedented self-restraint and patience on the part of the DPRK, Kim Kwan Jin again went off hysteria like a mad dog. An adage says a rabid dog makes all villagers uneasy. Due to the provocations of such confrontation elements as Kim Kwan Jin, the compatriots suffer a lot, to say nothing of the damage done to peninsula and the region. It is necessary to eradicate such leftover of the confrontation era as trouble-maker Kim as early as possible in order to bring about fresh development of the inter-Korean relations and the peace and stability on the peninsula. The DPRK will make every possible effort for the improvement of north-south relations including national reconciliation, unity, peace and prosperity but settle accounts with those traitors hurting its dignity and persist in provocations against it to the last. Those who go against public mind-set will not be able to escape severe punishment by history. |
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