calendar>>October 12. 2013 Juche 102 |
CPRK Spokesman Denounces S. Korean Authorities for Crying out for Their Dignity
Pyongyang, October 12 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet forces are clinging to the moves of insulting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and its social system. In this regard the spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) gave an answer to the question put by KCNA on Saturday. It says: On Wednesday the minister of Unification of south Korea impudently said the great politics of love for the people pursued by the DPRK is aimed to "achieve exploits" and "highlight the image of love for people". On Tuesday he talked nonsense that south Korea has the "dignity of 50 million people" while finding fault with the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and asserting that "the north's mud-slinging at the south has gone beyond the limit". Such a move is another intolerable heinous and grave provocation against the DPRK. As admired by the world, the politics of love for people pursued by Marshal Kim Jong Un is producing stirring events day after day in the DPRK. Such an admirable reality can be found only in the socialist system centered on the popular masses in which the whole society forms a big harmonious family. The puppet forces of south Korea dared compare this with their petty and reactionary politics by which they make a spate of every wicked sermon to earn the grass-root support at every election and make false propaganda guided by such a way of thinking. How shabby and foul they are! Irony is that they cried out for the "dignity of 50 million people". This ridiculous move is enough to make even a cat to laugh. South Korea is not in a position to talk about the dignity as it is under the military occupation by the U.S. which holds control of all domains including politics and military affairs. It is indeed preposterous for those who turned south Korea into the barren land to talk about the "dignity of 50 million people", an intolerable mockery of south Koreans. Now under way in south Korea are actions of various circles demanding the probe into the truth about the case of the puppet Intelligence Service's interference in the "presidential election" and the nullification of the results of the "election". Park Geun Hye is being disgraced as "half president" due to the fraud-marred election and is faced with denunciation and rejection by the people for trying to revive the ill-famed "yusin" dictatorship. Park's group is not entitled at all to speak about the "dignity of 50 million people". If there be any in south Korea, there is grudge of the 50 million people who had their dignity violated by the puppet group of traitors. The puppet group, made up of confrontational maniacs seized by the hysteric fit and hell-bent on antagonism, hostility and evil moves, is persistently making vituperation slandering the dignity and social system of the DPRK. It is nothing but a shriek made by those taken aback by the bright reality in the DPRK which wins only victories day by day and achieves prosperity thanks to the politics of believing in people as in Heaven and leadership of Kim Jong Un. It is also its last-ditch efforts to get rid of serious crisis at home and abroad. The DPRK, as it had already warned, will never tolerate but resolutely punish anyone who slanders the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and its social system even a bit. The Park's group should properly govern its tongue, if it does not want to face the same miserable end as what was met by those who went hell-bent on escalating confrontation with fellow countrymen. |
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