calendar>>October 22. 2013 Juche 102 |
Dependence on Foreign Forces Will Lead to Ruin: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities will get nothing but ruin in case they resort to dependence on foreign forces while going against the desire of the times and the nation, says Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in an article. Flunkeyism and dependence on foreign forces are an inveterate bad habit of the south Korean ruling quarters and their typical political mode, the article says, and goes on: At recent various events held in Seoul to mark the 60th anniversary of south Korea-U.S. "alliance", the puppet forces called for "raising the level of alliance" with the U.S., while fawning on their master with such words as "most successful alliance" and "source of strength". When the conservative group called for tightening "alliance" with the U.S. inside, the puppet chief executive actively solicited the U.S. and Japanese masters for support for the "policy toward the north" the core of which is "confidence-building process" and "plan for peace and cooperation in Northeast Asia". This rowdyism on the part of the puppet forces proves that dependence on foreign forces will turn one into a fool without dignity and self-esteem, being lost to shame. Dependence on foreign forces shows the servility of those who prolong their remaining days by relying on foreign forces after deserting their own nation. Reliance on foreign forces will make one read other's face, dance to other's tune and sell off the interests of the nation, being dead-set against the desire and requirements of the nation. The puppet ruling forces' moves are an intolerable act of treachery of making south Korea all the more dependent on the U.S., preventing the cause of national reunification from making progress and mounting the danger of a new war. The south Korean treacherous forces will only meet a miserable ruin for their acts of kowtowing to foreign forces. The south Korean authorities should clearly face up to the trend of the times. Time has gone when dependence on foreign forces was justified, and it is an irresistible trend of the south Korean people to reject the U.S. and achieve independence. |
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