calendar>>November 1. 2013 Juche 102 |
Actions against Moves to Revive "Yusin" Dictatorship Urged in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 1 (KCNA) -- The south Korean internet newspaper Voice of People in an editorial Monday called for driving those who push for reviving the "yusin" dictatorship beyond the fringes of history. The editorial accused the "Saenuri Party" and other conservative forces of letting loose such string of rigmaroles praising traitor Park Chung-Hee as claiming that the "era of yusin was better than the present" and "there should be dictatorship" at the "memorial services" held in Seoul and Kumi of North Kyongsang Province on October 26. The editorial rapped the secretary general of the "Saenuri Party" for blustering that "it should remain in power for 20 years to come". All these facts disclose the ulterior intention of the conservative authorities to pursue a dictatorial rule in the future, it noted, and continued: However, this is no more than a daydream. The south Korean people are no longer what they used to be in the days when Park Chung-Hee waged the "new village movement." Park Geun Hye's moves to revive the "yusin" dictatorship are bound to go bust just as Park Chung-Hee "yusin" system ended in a tragedy. The advance of history is unthinkable apart from struggles. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions has an important duty to perform in these struggles. Only when the workers turn out in strong actions as an organized force, will the departed soul of "yusin" disappear and a new day of democracy dawn. |
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