calendar>>December 23. 2013 Juche 102 |
KCNA on Japan's Persistent Anti-DPRK Campaign
Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- Japan is persistently pulling up the DPRK over its non-existent "nuclear and missile threat" and "abduction issue" on the international arena. The chief executive of Japan told at the special Japan-ASEAN summit on December 14 that DPRK's "nuclear and missile development" poses a threat to the international community and the "abduction issue" is universal to the international community. It is undesirable to speak ill of other countries at the international meeting that seeks multi-faceted regional cooperation and development. His remarks were no more than petty tricks to find an excuse for justifying Japan's undisguised moves for militarization and overseas reinvasion and improve its image defiled by such extra-large inhumane crimes as sexual slavery committed by the Imperial Japanese Army in the past. They came in coincidence with the adoption of the new "Defense Program Guidelines", "Mid-term Defense Capability Buildup Outline" and the National Security Strategy, the first of its kind, in Japan, which are called the "three arrows of security". This reveals Japan's ambition to realize its wild dream of the "Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere" by departing from the postwar regime as soon as possible. In actuality, Japan has been rushing headlong towards the right deviation and militarization, speeding up arms buildup and the revision of its constitution. Now, it tries to lay a legal framework for overseas aggression by reforming the "Self-Defense Forces" into the national defense army and arming them with up-to-date military hardware. Such moves for militarization on the part of the present government of Japan are provoking strong antipathy among the international community. It is likely that Japan does not know it can neither win trust of other Asian nations nor is in a position to talk about "universal issue" unless it has fully settled its crime-woven past. Japan's peddling of the "abduction issue" only showed its cunning and despicable nature. Even, press media of Japan contended that the rumor about "threat" spread by the government was aimed to fan up uneasiness among its citizens and then beef up defense capabilities so as to provide the conditions for the SDF to acquire the capability of attacking enemy bases. It is impudent for Japan, a war criminal state still refusing to liquidate its blood-stained past and a target of world public criticism for its ongoing militarization moves, to heap an abuse on others in an attempt to improve its image. Japan is not entitled to talk about someone's "threat", and it should make fully and honestly settle its past before anything else if it wants to be called a normal state. |
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