calendar>>December 24. 2013 Juche 102 |
KCNA on US "Theory of Threat from N. Korea"
Pyongyang, December 24 (KCNA) -- The United States is nowadays getting more vociferous about "threat from north Korea", announcing that it would build THAAD in Guam to cope with the "unpredictable threat". Such assertiveness on the "theory of threat" was prompted by an insidious scheme to justify the U.S. strategy for domination over the Asia-Pacific region. As openly asserted by officials of the U.S. Defense Department, THAAD, to be established in vast area from Alaska to Australia including south Korea, Japan and Philippines, is tantamount to a siege to target for regional powers. The "theory of threat from north Korea" is nothing but a smokescreen to cover up such scheme, and the real aim of the U.S. is to contain its potential rivals by speeding up arms buildup in the Asia-Pacific region with establishment of MD system involved. This fact is well illustrated in a report of the "U.S.-China Economic Security Review Subcommittee" released in November. In the report, the U.S. said that China's military muscle is challenging the U.S. forces' influence over the Asia-Pacific region, adding that the modern and rising Chinese military capabilities are able to strike the U.S. military bases in Guam. The report also noted that the regional equilibrium of forces is changing with the decrease of the U.S. military strength due to the forced reduction of domestic defense expenditure, in contrast to the increase of China's military capabilities, and the U.S. pivot to Asia-Pacific strategy is weakening in terms of restraint. The facts show that the U.S. intensified establishment of THAAD is aimed to contain its rivals growing in strength and maintain its military hegemony in the region. Such moves of the U.S. triggered off strong concern and repulsion from regional powers. Under the situation, the U.S. B-52 bombers flew in the air defense identification zone set up by China, without giving notice in late November. And a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department announced that those bombers passed through the air above Senkaku Islands, in a bid to irritate China. Consequently, the China-U.S. friction got more serious, rendering the regional situation strained. With the case, the U.S. felt the need to urgently round off the establishment of such combat and operational systems as MD in line with the acute military confrontation with regional powers. So, it raised again the worn-out "theory of threat from north Korea" to divert elsewhere the attention of regional countries. But no one can get deceived by such petty tricks. On the contrary, accusation against the U.S. wrong assertion is growing stronger among the world public, which contended in general that the U.S. counteraction to the DPRK is fairly asymmetric and that the U.S. establishment of MD is undoubtedly intended to control the nuclear potentials of China and Russia, its geopolitical rivals. In a word, the "theory of threat from north Korea" is a sheer sophism. Intolerable is the U.S. scheme to spoil the situation of the Asia-Pacific region trending toward peace and development. |
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