calendar>>November 20. 2014 Juche 103 |
KCNA Slams US for Orchestrating Adoption of "Human Rights Resolution" against DPRK
Pyongyang, November 20 (KCNA) -- The U.S. human rights racket against the DPRK is inching close to an extreme phase which should not be overlooked any longer. The "human rights resolution" against the DPRK was railroaded through the meeting of the Third Committee of the 69th UN General Assembly through high-handed practices and pressure at the instigation of the U.S. The U.S. orchestrated railroading of the "resolution" is lashing the army and people of the DPRK into great fury as it is the most vivid manifestation of the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK aimed to bring down the man-centred socialist system which was chosen by the Korean people and which they consider as dearer than their own lives. The U.S., regarding the "human rights issue" and the nuclear issue as the two mainstays of its policy to stifle the DPRK, is perpetrating grave politically-motivated provocations to realize the "regime change" in the DPRK at any cost under the pretext of "human rights". Lurking behind the scenario of the EU and Japan which sponsored the "resolution" is the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK aimed to bring down its social system by force of arms. The "resolution" (A/C.3/69/L.28.Rev.1) submitted by some countries of the EU and Japan has no relevance with the promotion of genuine human rights as it is a product of the political and military confrontation and plot against the DPRK. The "resolution" is only based on the fabricated "testimonies" of "defectors from the north", who committed crimes and fled the country abandoning even their beloved ones including their parents, brothers and sisters alike. As such, it is no more than a compilation full of groundless political accusations and contradictions and has no qualification and credibility to be recognized as an official document of the United Nations. The U.S. started the "human rights" offensive against the DPRK at the UN in real earnest which is aimed to create the impression that the DPRK is "a tundra of human rights" and thus invent an excuse of armed intervention. We cannot but take a serious note of the fact that the U.S. let its followers label the DPRK "human rights abuser" in the "resolution". A dangerous precedent is being made to politicize and internationalize the human rights of individual countries and use it for bringing down their social systems. The international community still vividly remembers the Yugoslav war ignited by the U.S. in 1999 under the pretext of "protection of human rights and minority." Experiencing the grave situation where even a crime of the strong is regarded as a good deed and a good deed of the weak is censured as an evil one, the Korean people have keenly realized once again the truth that human rights precisely means national sovereignty and it is guaranteed by powerful deterrence. It is the Northeast Asian region with the Korean Peninsula as a center where the interests of the big powers are intertwined and clash. Had the DPRK been weak in its sovereignty and failed to protect it, it would have already experienced not just the "color revolution" or what happened in the Mideast but its people would not have escaped horrible misfortune and disaster. The U.S. hostile action makes it hard for the DPRK to exercise any restraint any longer in conducting a new nuclear test. It is crystal clear that under the prevailing situation the DPRK's war deterrence will be bolstered up unlimitedly to cope with the U.S. armed intervention. The U.S., the principal architect of the farce for adopting the recent "resolution", and its servants will be held wholly responsible for all the consequences to be entailed by it. If the U.S. policy-makers have their senses, they had better make a cool judgment of the reality and a political decision conforming with the trend of the situation. |
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