calendar>> January 11. 2015 Juche 104
Kim Jong Un's New Year Address Posted on Foreign Websites
Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un's New Year address was posted on websites of foreign political parties, organizations and institutions.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation on Jan. 5 posted the full text of the New Year address on its website under the title of "Leader Kim Jong Un extends his greetings to world progressives and other foreign friends who aspire after independence and peace."

The full text or gist of the New Year address were posted between Jan. 1 and 6 on the websites of the Communist Parties-the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Communist Party "the Communists of Russia", the Russian Group for Solidarity with the DPRK, the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia, and other Russian political parties and bodies and the Communist Workers' Party of Belarus, the Socialist Party of Romania, the Party for Socialist Choice of Romania, the Romanian Institute of International Relationship and Economic Cooperation, the New Yugoslav Communist Party of Serbia, the Communist Party of Germany, the MS Travel Company of Germany, the Mongolian News Agency Montsame, the Pioneer Party of Indonesia, the Brazilian Communist Party, Kim Jong Il Library of Ecuador, and the Juche Youth Group in Ecuador.

Kim Jong Un's photos were posted on websites of political parties, bodies and institutions of Russia, Serbia, Germany, Mongolia and Indonesia.

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