calendar>>January 26. 2015 Juche 104 |
S. Korean Paper Blasts Regime's Fascist Attempt
Pyongyang, January 26 (KCNA) -- The south Korean internet paper Minjok Ilbo editorially condemned on Jan. 22 the fascist attempt of the south Korean authorities going all the more reckless as time goes by. In the wake of the disbandment of the Unified Progressive Party on Dec. 19 last year, the security authorities have continued repression of the progressive bodies and personages, the editorial said. The regime, which has regarded the Bar Association for Democratic Society as a thorn in its flesh, is scheming to let the security forces disorganize the body, it noted, and went on: This is precisely political revenge on the Association. The regime would be well advised to discontinue the suppression and step down at an early date, properly understanding that its escalation of the repression will only lead to self-destruction. |
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