calendar>>February 3. 2015 Juche 104
Rodong Sinmun Blasts S. Korean Authorities' Moves to Revise SL
Pyongyang, February 3 (KCNA) -- The minister of Justice of south Korea, delivering a report some days ago "2015 working plan," blustered that he would regard the "preservation of the nature of the system through the protection of the value of the constitution" as the top priority task and revise the 'Security Law" (SL) in such a manner as to disband "anti-state organizations" and "enemy-profiting ones" and block their activities. In response to his outbursts, the south Korean chief executive encouraged the retrogressive revision of the SL, vociferating about "strict enforcement of law."

Rodong Sinmun Tuesday says in a commentary in this regard:

A lot of people have grievously shed their blood and were killed by the above-said law.

The SL should have been thrown into the dumping ground of history as it violates democracy and human rights and supports dictatorial rule.

Nevertheless, the south Korean authorities are mulling revising the law in a more fascist manner, far from repealing it.

What should not be overlooked is that their moves were prompted by a despicable trick to tide over the ruling crisis and realize their ambition for long-term office.

The reality goes to prove that the improvement of the inter-Korean relations much touted by the south Korean authorities is nothing but empty rhetoric and what they seek is to tighten the fascist dictatorial rule and prolong the country-selling regime.

The south Korean authorities should clearly know that suppression is not cure-all and staking their fate on the anachronistic SL would only precipitate the end of the dictatorial rule.

Those who persistently resort to moves against reunification and fascist dictatorship contrary to the public mindset will not be able to escape severe punishment by the times and the nation.

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