calendar>>February 25. 2015 Juche 104
Guinean Media Praise Kim Jong Il
Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Guinean media dedicated special write-ups to the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

The Guinean paper Horoya on Feb. 11 dedicated a whole page to an article titled "Life devoted to future" with his photo.

The paper said that Kim Jong Il devoted his all to bringing prosperous future to the DPRK true to the intention of President Kim Il Sung. It went on:

For the future! This was the patriotic spirit that ran through his whole life.

He found his life goal and worth in working heart and soul for a thriving nation and people's happiness.

His bright image will shine long not only in the hearts of the Korean people but progressive humankind.

The Guinean Domestic, International and Seven National Languages Broadcasting Services on Feb. 9 aired how Kimjongilia came into being in the world and that it won gold and top prizes at the international flower expos and shows and the flowers of the sun have been in full bloom across the world, being loved and admired by humankind.

The services introduced in detail the life of Kim Jong Il devoted to the future on Feb. 13.

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