calendar>>February 25. 2015 Juche 104
S. Korean Chief Executive Accused of Escalating Confrontation with North
Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- A commentary accusing the south Korean chief executive of persisting in confrontation with the north was posted by Jaju Minbo, an internet paper of south Korea, on Feb. 17.

The chief executive is persisting in the policy for stifling the north and such stand was expressed at the meeting of the "preparatory committee for unification", the commentary said.

The meeting proved once again that what she talked about dialogue and unification is entirely aimed at escalating confrontation and anti-reunification acts, it charged.

The orientation to be maintained by her in dialogue with the north is the denuclearization of the north, the top priority policy of the U.S., and to this end she is showing her consistency, it deplored.

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