calendar>>February 25. 2015 Juche 104
KCNA Commentary Slams U.S. Anti-DPRK "Human Rights" Farce
Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Another round of the "seminar on human rights" in the north took place in Washington on Feb. 17.

The seminar sponsored by CSIS discussed the adoption of a "new resolution on the north" under the pretence of the first anniversary of the release of a "report of the UN Commission of Inquiry" on human rights situation in the DPRK.

It brought together former and incumbent officials of the U.S. Department of State and Congress including the special envoy of the Department of State for the north's human rights, the former chairman and the special rapporteur of the Commission of Inquiry on human rights situation in the DPRK. They repeated lies and fabrications malignantly slandering the DPRK.

Last year the U.S. convened "a high-level meeting concerning human rights situation in north Korea" and made the "report of the Commission of Inquiry" and "human rights resolution" of the UN General Assembly be adopted on the basis of "testimonies" peppered with lies and fabrications let loose by "defectors from the north".

The international community expressed support and sympathy with the just stand of the DPRK which categorically rejected the "human rights resolution" the U.S. and its followers railroaded through the UN and declared its toughest counteraction to foil it.

Nevertheless, the U.S. sponsored another seminar on the theme of "how to keep alive the opportunities for the discussion of human rights situation in the north." This is aimed at adopting a new "resolution on human rights in the north" at the UN Human Rights Council meeting slated in Geneva in coming March and intensifying anti-DPRK "human rights" racket by taking it as its long-term strategy to politicize and internationalize the DPRK's "human rights issue".

This is evidenced by the utterances made by Darusman, special rapporteur, that it was necessary to make multilateral access to the "human rights issue" as is the case with the nuclear issue.

The U.S.-led "human rights" smear campaign designed to topple the man-centered socialist system which the people of the DPRK value dearer than their own lives is the most vivid expression of the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK.

The U.S. and its followers are making desperate efforts to politicize and internationalize the non-existent "human rights issue" of the DPRK to bring down the socialist system.

It is ridiculous, indeed, for the U.S. to stage such a cheap "human rights seminar" aimed to destabilize the DPRK through political and military stand-off.

The ceaseless despicable "human rights" rackets of the U.S. and its allies are being shattered to pieces in the face of the towering indignation and the will of the army and people of the DPRK to annihilate the enemies.

The U.S. and other hostile forces would be well advised to immediately stop their reckless "human rights" campaign.

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