calendar>>February 27. 2015 Juche 104 |
Kim Jong Il's Exploits Praised by Foreign Papers
Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- Foreign papers carried special write-ups accompanied with portrait of smiling leader Kim Jong Il on the occasion of his birth anniversary. The Uruguayan paper La Juventud on Feb. 14 carried an article titled "Immortal exploits performed for cause of global independence." It said that Kim Jong Il clearly indicated the road for the cause of global independence and led it to victory with his energetic ideological and theoretical activities. Introducing the Songun leadership feats performed by him who defended the sovereignty, dignity and socialism in the DPRK and firmly guaranteed peace and security of the Korean peninsula and the rest of the world, the paper cited the facts that prominent figures of different countries praised his noble traits. The exploits he performed for the cause of global independence will be everlasting along with progressives, it stressed. The February issue of the German paper Rote Fahne in an article titled "Comrade Kim Jong Il and independent politics" praised him as the great master of independent politics to be specially recorded in the world history of politics. The feats he performed by pursuing the independent politics will always remain as a typical example in the struggle against imperialism, it noted. The Thai Xing San Daily on Feb. 16 introduced in detail the fact that his life was characterized by his total devotion, during when he adhered to the principle of giving more importance to the morrow than the present, organized all works in a bold way and pushed forward them at the highest speed to bring earlier the future, and dedicated his all to the rosy future of the country and people. |
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