calendar>>March 12. 2015 Juche 104
Syrian Embassy Staff Members Visit DPRK-Syria Friendship School
Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Tammam Sulaiman, Syrian ambassador to the DPRK, and his embassy staff members visited DPRK-Syria Friendship Junghwa County Junghwa Senior Secondary School on Thursday on the 52nd anniversary of the March 8 Revolution in Syria.

Being briefed on the history of the school associated with the undying leadership feats of the peerlessly great persons of Mt. Paektu, they went round the classroom dropped in by them and other facilities at the school.

They enjoyed an art performance given by the pupils of the school.

The ambassador said that the visit helped him know better about the education and cultural development of the DPRK. He hoped that the school would contribute to developing the friendly relations between the two countries. He said that the Korean people would make greater achievements in building a thriving nation under the wise guidance of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

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