calendar>>March 20. 2015 Juche 104 |
Rodong Sinmun Discloses Crimes of U.S. Policemen
Pyongyang, March 20 (KCNA) -- Police in the U.S. are committing all sorts of crimes against toiling masses as a "legal" mechanism for enforcing the unpopular tyrannical rule and racial discrimination policy of the privileged circles, says Rodong Sinmun Friday in a commentary. Whenever policemen commit crimes, the U.S. judicial authorities and other ruling quarters patronize criminals under the pretexts that they occurred while "performing duties" and "they were just self- defense," the commentary says, and goes on: U.S. politicians talk about all-people-equality in the international arena though policemen kill people almost every day. It is not exaggeration to say that they have faces of brass. It was disclosed that lots of ordinary citizens were killed by policemen, but those data were not included in the nationwide statistics of murders for nearly a decade. Even the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation issued several documents recognizing the fact that the government has failed to properly watch and control policemen's performance of duties. What is stunning people is the fact that the number of those killed by policemen is more than 55 times that of people slain by terrorists. The U.S. is a corrupt society where policemen commit more murders than terrorists. U.S. politicians are brazen-faced cruel murderers as they vociferate about "respect for human rights" and "protection of human rights" while shelving lots of human rights issues. Man-killing police committing all sorts of social evils under the patronage of the unfair "laws", the worst human rights abusers and the reactionary social system in the U.S., their cesspool, will face a stern judgment by the fair-minded people. |
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