calendar>>April 21. 2015 Juche 104 |
Signal Successes Made in Planting Fruit Trees
Pyongyang, April 21 (KCNA) -- Officials and other people in the field of pomiculture in the DPRK have made signal successes in this year's spring drive for planting fruit trees. At least 3 million fruit trees of various species including dwarf apple trees, pear, plum, peach and apricot trees were planted on thousands of hectares of orchards across the country. Spring fruit tree planting quotas were overfulfilled by 117 percent. The Pyongyang Fruit Farm, Sariwon Fruit Farm and Toksong Apple Farm distinguished themselves in planting fruit trees. The fruit farms in Pukchong County including the Ryongjon, Jongsan and Raha Fruit Farms planted fruit trees qualitatively. Fruit workteams of co-op farms throughout the country planted a lot of fruit trees. |
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