calendar>>May 15. 2015 Juche 104
Japanese Reactionaries' Fascist Tyranny against Chongryon Deserves Punishment
Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- The Korean Committee on Measures for the Sexual Slavery for Japanese Army and Drafting Victims released a statement on Friday to denounce the Japanese reactionaries' tyrannical action against officials of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon).

The statement condemned the Japanese reactionaries' arrest of officials of Chongryon on May 12 as an unpardonable encroachment upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and an unbearable fascist repressive action to stamp out Chongryon.

This was an illegal fascist action taken without any legal ground and part of the organized and premeditated moves against Chongryon pursuant to the scenario carefully worked out by the authorities, the statement said, and went on:

Lurking behind this is a cynic ploy of the Japanese reactionaries to tarnish the image of Chongryon, a legitimate overseas citizens organization of the DPRK, and create an atmosphere against Chongryon and Koreans in the Japanese society by labeling Chongryon an "illegal organization" and "criminal organization".

All facts fully prove that a "law-governing state" much touted by the Japanese reactionaries is nothing but fig-leaf to mislead public opinion at home and abroad and Japan is a repressive police state and a fascist state abusing human rights.

They should stop acting rashly, clearly understanding the DPRK's will to resolutely punish them, stop at once the base and despicable moves to suppress and stamp out Chongryon and unconditionally apologize to the Korean nation and Chongryon for their human rights abuses.

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