calendar>>May 31. 2015 Juche 104
S. Korean Regime Has No Face to Talk about "Dialogue": Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, May 31 (KCNA) -- "Dialogue" much touted by the south Korean puppet regime is no more than a crafty trick to cover up the crimes it perpetrated against the nation by pushing the north-south relations to an extreme pitch of tension through its moves to escalate confrontation with the DPRK and shift the blame for the escalated tension on to it, says Rodong Sinmun Sunday in an article.

The puppet regime is the hordes of confrontation maniacs who deliberately laid a stumbling block in the way for the north-south dialogue by perpetrating hideous provocations against the DPRK and unhesitatingly scuppered the opportunity for mending the north-south relations, the article says, and goes on:

The puppet regime has gone mad in its treacherous bid to achieve "unification of social systems," while malignantly hurting the inviolable dignity and social system of the DPRK. It is, indeed, a mockery and insult to all Koreans for it to trumpet about "dialogue."

The puppet regime has neither face nor qualifications to talk about "dialogue".

It is, indeed, ridiculous for the regime to try to evade the responsibility for the worsened north-south relations by employing such poor gimmick.

Towering high at present is the indignation of south Koreans from all walks of life at the puppet regime which has thrown the north-south relations and the whole society of south Korea into crises by enforcing policy of confrontation with the DPRK and misrule.

The puppet ruling forces' racket for confrontation with the DPRK will only worsen their ruling crisis and precipitate their final ruin, cursed and censured by all Koreans.

It is too late for them to improve their miserable lot already sealed through desperate tongue-lashing.

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