calendar>>May 31. 2015 Juche 104
Lifting of Confrontational Step and Fascist Law Called for in S. Korea
Pyongyang, May 31 (KCNA) -- The Family Movement for Realizing Democracy in south Korea held a Thursday rally on May 28, urging the regime to lift the "May 24 step" aimed at escalating confrontation with the DPRK and repeal the fascist "Security Law".

Speakers there deplored that north-south exchange and cooperation have been blocked since the "step" was taken by the regime.

Economy of south Korea suffered tremendous losses, more than 1 500 businesses went bankrupt and tour of Mt. Kumgang was totally banned due to the "step", they said.

Noting the "north policy" of the Lee Myung Bak "government" was harmful to the interests of all Koreans, they blamed Park Geun Hye regime for carrying forward it.

They urged the Park regime to lift the step in order to head for north-south exchange and reconciliation.

They censured the regime for suppressing the people who call for justice by invoking the "Security Law" in a bid to stay in power.

Terming the law an evil law encroaching upon the conscience and freedom of expression, they said democracy and human rights are unthinkable unless the law is repealed.

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