calendar>>June 4. 2015 Juche 104
U.S. Anti-DPRK "Human Rights" Racket Denounced by Bulgarian Organization
Pyongyang, June 4 (KCNA) -- The Bulgaria-Korea Friendship Association in its bulletin on May 28 carried a commentary condemning the U.S. "human rights" racket against the DPRK.

Citing fact that at the UN General Assembly session last year the U.S. instigated its followers to railroad "human rights resolution" against the DPRK, the commentary said:

Lurking behind this is the black-hearted intention of the U.S. to rid the world of socialist Korea.

The U.S. has pursued the policy of "strategic patience", saying it will wait till the DPRK scraps nuclear program and falls on its knees.

Despite such policy the military muscle of the DPRK is increasing day by day.

The U.S. is finding itself tight-cornered with the lapse of time.

That is why it is kicking up smear campaign over "human rights."

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