calendar>>June 21. 2015 Juche 104
Statement of DPRK Government Supported by Personages of Ghana, Nigeria
Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- Personages of Ghana and Nigeria released a statement on June 16 in support of the statement of the DPRK government.

The deputy general secretary of the National Democratic Congress of Ghana said the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration is a historic document that has made not only all Koreans but other progressive people in the world hopeful and optimistic about Korea's reunification as it affirmed the Korean nation's will to reunify the country by its own efforts free from interference of outsiders.

The south Korean regime should immediately respond to the just demand of the DPRK and make this year, 70 years since Korea's division, a significant year for opening up a turning phase in the drive for achieving national reconciliation and unity.

Ibrahim Mantu, member of the Credit Committee of the People's Democratic Party of Nigeria and chairman of the Nigeria-Korea Friendship Association, urged the south Korean regime to stop perpetrating hostile acts against the DPRK and kicking up war drills against it in collusion with the U.S. and respond to the DPRK's proposal for paving a broad avenue to independent reunification by bringing about a decisive turn and change in the north-south relations.

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