calendar>>July 9. 2015 Juche 104 |
Kim Il Sung's Feats for Building People's Power
Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- With the elections for deputies to local power bodies (July 19) approaching, citizens in the DPRK are looking back upon the immortal feats President Kim Il Sung performed in building the Juche-oriented power. Regarding the problem of power as fundamental in the revolution, Kim Il Sung advanced the unique line on building a people's power and accumulated a wealth of experience for embodying it during the anti-Japanese armed struggle, thus starting the building of the Juche-based power. At the Kalun Meeting in June Juche 19 (1930), he defined the character of the Korean revolution as the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal democratic revolution and clarified that a government to be established in liberated Korea should be a democratic one defending the interests of the working masses. On this basis, he established a people's democratic system in the country, smoothly enforcing democratic reforms in all realms of society in a brief period after Korea's liberation from Japan's colonial rule. In April 1948, he convened the Joint Conference of Representatives of Political Parties and Social Organizations in North and South Korea to frustrate the moves of the U.S. imperialists and their followers for territorial division and provide a socio-political foundation for establishing a unified central government. Consequently, all-Korea general elections were successfully held on August 25 that year to found the Supreme People's Assembly with 572 deputies representing people from all walks of life in the north and the south of the country elected. On September 9, 1948, the DPRK came to birth in conformity with the unanimous will of all Koreans. Kim Il Sung's feats for building people's power will remain forever with thriving socialist Korea. |
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