calendar>>July 11. 2015 Juche 104
Yonbaek Peasant Dance of Korea
Pyongyang, July 11 (KCNA) -- Peasant dance, one of the Korean folk dances which have the longest history, is still popular in Yonan, Paechon, Chongdan and other counties of South Hwanghae Province of the DPRK.

Typical of it is Yonbaek peasant dance, which was listed as one of national intangible heritages.

In this regard, Dr. Kim Son Yong, a researcher of the Folklore Institute under the Academy of Social Sciences, told KCNA:

The dance features agricultural working life of the Korean people ranging from sowing to harvesting with local music performed with national percussion and wind instruments like gong, hourglass drum and bamboo flute.

What is most conspicuous in the Yonbaek peasant dance is a dance turning round decorative tassels.

The peasant dance is well-known over the world for vividly showing the optimistic life of the Korean nation. The Yonbaek peasant dance in particular has been one of items at the grand gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang".

The peasant dance has been steadily developed through national contests.

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