calendar>>July 13. 2015 Juche 104
Good Strain of Evodia daniellii Spread in DPRK
Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Good Strain of Evodia daniellii has been spread throughout the DPRK.

In a little more than one year, Evodia daniellii forest covering thousands hectares has been improved in the country.

President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il in their lifetime called for planting Evodia daniellii on a large scale in different parts of the country.

Last year, the Sohung County Evodia daniellii Forest Station in North Hwanghae Province produced several tons of good seeds and sent a large number of scions to forest stations across the country.

In particular, Jongju City in North Phyongan Province created over 200 hectares of Evodia daniellii forest.

The work for improving Evodia daniellii has been also pushed forward in other cities and counties.

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