calendar>>July 30. 2015 Juche 104
Kim Jong Un Guides Contest of Air Commanding Officers of KPA Air and Anti-Air Force
Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Un guided the "2015 combat aeronautics contest of air commanding officers of the Air and Anti-Air Force of the Korean People's Army" which was held with splendor at the Kalma Airport, which has been rebuilt on an expansion basis, to mark the 62nd anniversary of the victory in the great war for protecting the country.

At 8:30, a.m. his plane Chammae-1 flew over the air above the airport to review sub-units of the KPA Air and Anti-Air Force.

After alighting from the plane, he received a salute from the head of the guards of honor of the KPA Ground, Navy, Air and Anti-Air Force and the Worker-Peasant Red Guards and reviewed them.

He received bunches of flowers from service personnel of the KPA Ground, Navy and Air and Anti-Air Force.

KPA Army General Ri Yong Gil, chief of the General Staff of the KPA, made an opening speech.

Ri said that the "2015 combat aeronautics contest of air commanding officers of the KPA Air and Anti-Air Force," the second in the seven decades-long history of the Juche-oriented air force, is a significant training contest to be held according to the noble intention of Kim Jong Un to reliably prepare all the air commanding officers and combat pilots as a-match-for-a-hundred all-round pilots possessed of high aeronautics in the crucible of the training revolution.

Ri declared the contest open.

Kim Jong Un gave a sortie order to air commanding officers and combat pilots.

The contest was divided into the group of commanding officers and group of units. Air commanding officers and combat pilots skillfully conducted various air combat flight actions including assault flight, buzzing and special flying skill, fully demonstrating their aeronautics cultivated in their day-to-day training.

He was greatly satisfied to watch their intensive flight drill.

Air commanding officers and combat pilots satisfactorily conducted various combat flight actions at the contest which continued in the afternoon.

He noted that aeronautics of air commanding officers and combat pilots have remarkably improved as compared with last year.

He said the contest organized on the occasion of the significant v-day is aimed to encourage the whole army to steadfastly carry forward the heroic fighting sprit and stamina of the generation which won victory in the war and bring about a radical turn in the drills to round off preparations for a war full of the will to settle with arms accounts with the U.S. imperialists, the chieftain of aggression, and the south Korean puppet group keen to escalate the confrontation with the fellow countrymen and that of social systems, seized with sycophancy toward the U.S.

The results of the contest held in the morning and afternoon were summed up to decide standings.

The chief of the KPA General Staff made a speech at a prize awarding ceremony and announced the results of the contest.

The director of the General Political Bureau and other commanding officers of the KPA awarded prizes to the successful officers and units. The chief of the KPA General Staff declared the contest closed.

Watching the contest were Hwang Pyong So, Pak Yong Sik, Ri Yong Gil, So Hong Chan, Jo Kyong Chol, Kim Yong Chol, O Kum Chol, Ri Yong Ju, Choe Yong Ho, Kim Rak Gyom and other commanding officers of the KPA, senior officials of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, exemplary combat pilots of the Air and Anti-Air Force of the KPA and the soldier-builders who participated in the construction project.

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