calendar>>July 30. 2015 Juche 104
Loving Care Shown by Great Persons for Women Weavers
Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- Today (July 30) marks the 69th anniversary of the Law on Sex Equality in the DPRK.

On this day, women workers of the Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Textile Mill are recalling with deep emotion the leadership feats performed by the peerlessly great persons.

President Kim Il Sung in his lifetime gave on-the-spot guidance to the mill on 48 occasions after he appointed the site for the mill in October Juche 37 (1948).

Leader Kim Jong Il in his lifetime visited the mill several times and clearly indicated the way to be followed by the mill, taking warm care of the living of its women weavers.

On July 30, 2009, he came to the mill to congratulate them on the 63rd anniversary of the Law on Sex Equality.

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un gave field guidance to the mill in October 2013 and gave a promise to its women weavers that he would take it upon himself to build a new hostel for them at the mill.

Later, he visited the mill to inspect the completed hostel and suggested holding a big banquet as well as setting birthday spreads for workers in the hostel on May Day.

When visiting the mill again in December last year, he praised its workers for increasing production and left his autograph reading "Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Textile Mill".

Encouraged by his loving care, women workers of the mill are directing all their efforts to increased production.

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