calendar>>August 27. 2015 Juche 104 |
Art Exhibition "Blizzards of Paektu" Opens
Pyongyang, August 27 (KCNA) -- An art exhibition "Blizzards of Paektu" was opened here on Thursday. Displayed in the center of the venue of the exhibition is an art work depicting leader Kim Jong Il standing atop Mt. Paektu despite blizzards. Displayed in the venue are art works truthfully depicting the majestic appearance of Mt. Paektu and paintings of study. Oil painting "Snowstorm of the Paektu Tableland", "Blizzards of Janggun Peak", "Snowstorm of Mt. Paektu" and other works harden the revolutionary faith of the army and people of the DPRK and indicate a way of winning the final victory. They help visitors renew their resolution and will to make revolution. Korean paintings "Holy Land of Paektu" and "Battle Theatre of Revolution", acryl paintings "Mt. Paektu in Morning " and "Janggun Peak at Sunrise" and other works make truthful depiction of the grand appearance of Mt. Paektu as the ancestral mountain and holy mountain of the revolution. Korean painting "Sentry on Paektu" and oil painting "We Will Go to Mt. Paektu" reflected the steadfast faith and will of the service personnel to devotedly defend Marshal Kim Jong Un with arms and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche started in Mt. Paektu, true to his Songun leadership. |
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